Monday, February 21, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

danhils: Life

danhils: Life: "Life is who you walk with, 'You walk with the poor, so you are'. I was seated by the sea side in Mombasa Pirates beach the other day and ove..."


Life is who you walk with, "You walk with the poor, so you are". I was seated by the sea side in Mombasa Pirates beach the other day and overhead two people walking together arguing about life. What i remember one person tell the other was that life is so bad.

His colleague did not hesitate but rushed in replying, "Life is who you walk you are".
My worry is do we always choose who we walk with or is it be sheer coincidence that this happens?

danhils: Why not?

danhils: Why not?: "If you are to die a thousand times and you know this, would you allow it to happen?"

danhils: Did you know?

danhils: Did you know?: "That Ants are the most romantic animals so far?"

danhils: Why not?

danhils: Why not?: "If you are to die a thousand times and you know this, would you allow it to happen?"