Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Positive Thinking in the workplace

How to Stay Positive Thinking in the Workplace 
“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes”. Mahatma Gandhi

Positive thinking is expecting, talking and visualizing with certainty what you want to achieve, as an accomplished fact. A positive attitude brings strength, energy and initiative. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

Workplace diversity is one thing that should be appreciated. We are all different in various dimensions; in age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities / qualities, race, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience, and job classification.

Some of us do not like the work/ job that you do, a colleague at work, the environment at work, stressful workloads, the deadlines to beat, the pressure to perform, your boss e.tc. In a way keep in mind the 90/10 Principle. 10% of life is made up of what happens to you …90% of life is decided by how you react…… Having a positive attitude at work makes the time you spend at work more pleasant and calm, but staying positive is sometimes difficult. In fact, sometimes it can seem like Mission Impossible. Instead of falling victim to the negative work attitudes that surround you, make an effort to buck the trend.

Look for the good in your co-workers and your workplace. By learning how to communicate with co-workers effectively, you will gain recognition as a force of positive attitude in the workplace.

Be Appreciative
It is always nicer to get a pat on the back rather than to get stabbed in the back. If you're wondering "how do I change my negative attitude," start by observing how you communicate with co-workers. If you practice asking useful questions, giving accolades and being gracious at work for two weeks, you'll notice a difference in the people you work with and in your own feelings about work

How to Communicate With Co-workers Effectively:

1. Give thanks. Thank co-workers for the work they do that makes your job easier - including the peers, managers and office assistants. Even thank the security guard for making you feel safe at work. Cultivate a thankful, positive attitude in the workplace, and in return you'll notice a change in how co-workers treat you.

2. Acknowledge a job well done. One of our favourite ways to create positive energy at work is to give a "Most Valuable Player" award. Once a month, stage a vote for the office MVP - asking each voter to include why their nominee should get the award. You can even have employees vote on what the award will be, from premium parking to a tiara or crown.

3. Celebrate. Take the time to celebrate birthdays, holidays, life changes and achievements. Not sure how to celebrate? Bring in a Nerf football; bake cookies and bring them to work; or put up a graffiti poster where people can leave positive comments.

Recharge Yourself
A favourite quote of ours is "A dead battery can't charge a dead battery." Stop complaining about negative work attitudes and lend your own energy to creating a more positive attitude in the workplace. Be the office live wire! How to Communicate with Co-workers Effectively:

1. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is infectious. If you're going to spend eight hours a day at work, why not make it more than just tolerable. Make an effort to smile, laugh, and enjoy your job. If you work to create a more positive attitude in the workplace, others will follow.

2. Practice random acts of kindness. Each day try to do something kind and helpful. Offer to cover for a co-worker so they can attend their kid's soccer game, bring a busy colleague a cup of coffee, or volunteer for a project. You don't have to create elaborate situations, just keep your eyes out for opportunities to do a good deed.

3.  Look for opportunities to have fun. We all know someone who can make anything fun--and make time fly. Be that person. It's amazing how a joke here and a silly celebration there can breathe life into a stale office. Before you know it, other people will start coming to work with more bounce in their step.

Avoid Negative Work Attitudes
Negative work attitudes create a vicious cycle that can rob energy from an organization. If you're famous for your awful moods and stinging commentary, try something new.

How to communicate with Co-workers Effectively:
1.  Resist sarcasm. One of us grew up on the East Coast where sarcasm seems to be as natural as breathing. It's tough to break the cycle of sarcasm, but it's worth the trouble. If you're feeling sarcastic, challenge yourself to come up with something clever to say that energizes the positive attitude in the workplace, rather than depleting your co-worker’s energy.

2. Look for the good. It's easy to get caught in an office drama trap. Instead of blaming and gossiping, focus on the good qualities of your co-workers. You'll be surprised by how much of a positive attitude in the workplace this will create and how much more productive you and your co-workers will be.

3. Stab 'em in the front. This came from one of our uncles. He was fond of saying, "Friends stab friends in the front." Again, resist the temptation to stab co-workers in the back. Instead, challenge yourself to be honest with co-workers without being mean.

There are times when we must go through negative situations. Maybe people say something negative about us, or they show rejection or even resentment against us. In such situations, it may be difficult to stay positive. We may be inclined to react negatively to them. That won’t do us any good though; doing so will just make the situation worse. People may behave even more negatively to us. Our day would be filled with anger and disappointment. At the end, nobody wins.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Staying Positive in Negative Situations

Staying Positive in Negative Situations
There are times when we must go through negative situations. Maybe people say something negative about us, or they show rejection or even resentment against us. In such situations, it may be difficult to stay positive. We may be inclined to react negatively to them. That won’t do us any good though; doing so will just make the situation worse. People may behave even more negatively to us. Our day would be filled with anger and disappointment. At the end, nobody wins.
Though it’s not easy, it’s important to stay positive in negative situations. Beat the negative situations by staying positive. Here are 15 tips on how to do it; pick the ones that work for you:
  1. Never respond when you are not calm. If you are not sure that you are calm, don’t respond. Take time to calm yourself down first.
  2. Take a deep breath as a first step to calm yourself down.
  3. Speak in gentle tone to reduce the tension of the situation.
  4. Realize that you can find opportunities in negative situations. Albert Einstein said: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
  5. Look at the content of what people say to you for something positive that you can act upon to improve yourself. Don’t just reject the whole messages.
  6. For the rest of the messages which is negative, simply ignore it.
  7. Maintain positive view of the people. Maybe you don’t like their messages or behavior, but that doesn’t mean that you can hate them personally.
  8. Realize that having negative feelings will just hurt you, not them. So there is no reason for you to have any negative feeling.
  9. If you make mistakes, be open to admit it.
  10. If you make mistakes, remember this quote by George Bernard Shaw: “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”
  11. If you can, listen to motivational audio program to feed positive thoughts into your mind.
  12. Talk to a positive friend who can encourage you.
  13. Remember your favourite quotes to give you inspiration and motivation. This is one reason why you should have quote of the day.
  14. Look at the negative situations as your training sessions for real life. The higher you climb in life, the worse the negative situations would be, so you’d better be prepared for them.
  15. Realize that you can’t please everyone. In fact, nobody can. Sometimes you need to just let some people go. Realizing this will relieve you from a lot of unnecessary burden so that you can focus on the people that you can positively interact with.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What new in communication

What's new in Communication?

The world today is a quickly changing world. There are various innovations that occur daily and the environment is fast changing.

This kind of environment is what can be refered to as a datasphere being composed of television, radio, newspapers, magazines and now, of course, cell phones, the internet, voice mail, email, and all the newly exploding forms of communication. This datasphere can instantly transmit information anywhere around the world in seconds. This is a great thing. But it results in quick, constant change. Some people predict that entire industries, such as travel agencies and stock brokerages, will disappear and be replaced by the internet. Because of the speed of change, the number of jobs eliminated from the traditional market is probably going to grow exponentially. In the U.S. alone we are currently losing 500,000 jobs a year which are replaced by technology, and some predict that by 2004 or 2005, this might grow to a million jobs a year.

There is little we can count on remaining the same today, except for the Rules of Chocolate, and today's communication needs remind me a little of Rule #1 for chocolate: if you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.

Likewise, if you're not constantly updating your methods of communication, you no doubt are communicating too slowly.

We're going to be discussing recent innovations in communications -- from print to audio and video, to the constantly new forms available through the internet. My hope is to give you the information you need to successfully move yourself and your company into the 21st Century. Let's begin by looking at what's new in communications. Many of the more recent innovations in communications are net-based:

  1. There are over 20,000 news and discussion groups (usenet) on the net, covering almost any subject you can think of. These groups allow you to search for information, get help, swap ideas, join in discussions.

  2. I-net chats (IRC) allow you to chat with people from all over the world through your computer keyboard

  3. I-net phone Using your sound card and a microphone, you can speak to people around the world in real time.

  4. Internet video conferencing is still in its infancy but this is developing rapidly, as communications become faster. Using a small camera (just larger than a golf ball) you can see and speak to people around the world in real time.

  5. Real audio You can now listen to hundreds of radio stations from all over the world transmitting worldwide

    On the lighter side, there is:
  6. Streaming video (audio/video combination that lets you watch the latest music video and other film clips as they are released by major artists and film companies. You can now even make a streaming audio/video info-mercial on the net.

  7. Multi-player games allow you to play a variety of games with people all over the world, from bridge to the latest interactive driving and "shoot em up" games.

  8. Online shopping. Lets you order goods/services worldwide, to be delivered to your door
Growth. Change. Rapid world-wide communication. Are you and your company ready? Here are questions to ask yourself to find out: